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usynligemand : Are You Prepared? if going for BC, what server would tht be on?
usynligemand :
usynligemand : @mindshatter we found that the classic guild on ZT is a copycat, he streams also, if you check this video u see his charnames: etc. Zyplofo lol
usynligemand : slaying has been very good lately on Defias :D more slayers come join
Mindshatter : Are you guys on Zandalar Tribe now? I saw the guild on that server.
Mindshatter : I just made a character called Mindshot. Nobody online in the guild though!
Zylopfa : We are on Judgement, due to not being able to play after work on Gehennas. I hope you will still come and play with us!
Mindshatter : So are you still on Gehennas as I can't find you there?
Mindshatter : Excellent! A couple of months and I'll be right with you.
Zylopfa : Classic is insane fun!
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Lalli leaving guild
User: Lalli
Date: 9/26/2008 5:42 pm
Views: 4462
Rating: 0

Hello guys.

I just want to inform I decided to leave the guild because of some bad chemistry with Lunaatj. I can't see the day I could think of playing with a person like that again tbh. I had no idea he was such a FK.

I'd also like to tell what happened between us so not only Luna's tale is known about it.

Luna ganked my hunter with his druid while I was afk inside Orgrimmar which was nicely managed I must add. After that he send his best regards by talktothehand and I congratulated him for killing me while afk. Theres nothing wrong in that, but after that he started telling I was qq:ing which surprised me and I told him to go fk himself. After that we killed his druid with everett. Then he came to tell in guildchat how Im a mouse for qq:ing about getting ganked and not fit into zylos at all. After that he made up a story how I wasn't really afk, but just pretended in order to save my face from getting ganked by a restodruid. Now how stupid is that I must ask...

But yes, I can't get along with a player who calls me a liar. Good luck to Zylos Hand and may many rats be slain still.

Re: Lalli leaving guild
User: Falkja
Date: 9/27/2008 5:50 am
Views: 5
Rating: 0

I don't know what to say, really. I did not know that Luna could behave like this either, and have no idea where he developed that cocky attitude. Having both horde and alliance characters on the same realm generally creates problems with some people becouse of the speed in which he can comunicate with people, for an example mocking afk players after killing them.

The thing Luna did was not acceptable at all, there is no point in making things up, that just reminds me of a certain player called "Iegend" when he killed me at 50% hp and mana while I was drinking, and calling it a duel.

Zylos Hand is not Zylos Hand if there are no old members left, the majority of the current guild joined when IQD came and have only been ganking and zerging there, which is sad becouse Zylos Hand might end up like the "After Dark" guild, same name but entirely different members who doesn't know what the guild stands for.


Re: Lalli leaving guild
User: xuthus
Date: 9/27/2008 3:13 pm
Views: 1729
Rating: 0

I was online at the time and saw what went off, i saw both what Luna said to lallo and what lallo replied with (i was on IRC)


and honestly, what lallo said was not offensive at all nor was it moaning/QQing etc.


I have no idea why Luna went off like this, his attitude at the tiem wasnt called for in my opinion, though afterwards he did say he misunderstood what Lallo said, which was fair enough.


However on the otherhand, it is also a shame for an officer of ZH to quit the guild over a dispute like this, if you have problems with a member then it should be sorted out sensibly and like adults within the guild, there is no need to get angry and leave.


I hope that you will come back to the guild once you have both cooled down as it would be a shame to loose such a valued member and offiicer over a small dispute.






Re: Lalli leaving guild
User: Lunaatj
Date: 10/3/2008 12:49 pm
Views: 349
Rating: 0

I did not make up a story about how you were not AFK.


I started casting a starfire when you were still running, you went AFK when I started to attack you.

I never said *QQ more*  neither did I call you a mouse or anything.

Stop making up stories. -.-  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I misunderstood what you said and thought you were Q_Qing.


Not my fault you emo quit over a minor agruement.
