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usynligemand : Are You Prepared? if going for BC, what server would tht be on?
usynligemand :
usynligemand : @mindshatter we found that the classic guild on ZT is a copycat, he streams also, if you check this video u see his charnames: etc. Zyplofo lol
usynligemand : slaying has been very good lately on Defias :D more slayers come join
Mindshatter : Are you guys on Zandalar Tribe now? I saw the guild on that server.
Mindshatter : I just made a character called Mindshot. Nobody online in the guild though!
Zylopfa : We are on Judgement, due to not being able to play after work on Gehennas. I hope you will still come and play with us!
Mindshatter : So are you still on Gehennas as I can't find you there?
Mindshatter : Excellent! A couple of months and I'll be right with you.
Zylopfa : Classic is insane fun!
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Ratslayer Statistics

Fiercest WPvPers in Zylos Hand

This is the list of the menbers in Zylos Hand listed by their World PvP kills, since it was counted at the beginning of Wrath Of The Lich King.

Data is taken from the wow armory each day.

Name World Honorable Kills Total Kills
^URLDecode(Mindshatter); ^URLDecode(38852); ^URLDecode(146997);
^URLDecode(Brotak); ^URLDecode(33438); ^URLDecode(64929);
^URLDecode(Kzin); ^URLDecode(32192); ^URLDecode(116936);
^URLDecode(Astartel); ^URLDecode(29377); ^URLDecode(81106);
^URLDecode(Celeglin); ^URLDecode(29173); ^URLDecode(63761);
^URLDecode(Freed%C3%B3m); ^URLDecode(29094); ^URLDecode(100162);
^URLDecode(Halert); ^URLDecode(26283); ^URLDecode(91442);
^URLDecode(Provoious); ^URLDecode(25618); ^URLDecode(54634);
^URLDecode(Ylo); ^URLDecode(24470); ^URLDecode(68270);
^URLDecode(Freedom); ^URLDecode(19989); ^URLDecode(57366);
^URLDecode(Kyalo); ^URLDecode(19399); ^URLDecode(34273);
^URLDecode(Zyredox); ^URLDecode(17924); ^URLDecode(71761);
^URLDecode(Tench%C3%83%C2%AD); ^URLDecode(16967); ^URLDecode(83966);
^URLDecode(Daughter); ^URLDecode(16929); ^URLDecode(40735);
^URLDecode(Lareno); ^URLDecode(16894); ^URLDecode(51300);
^URLDecode(Raizrd); ^URLDecode(16617); ^URLDecode(30857);
^URLDecode(Tirr); ^URLDecode(14917); ^URLDecode(67525);
^URLDecode(Sindris); ^URLDecode(14802); ^URLDecode(110352);
^URLDecode(Meranwe); ^URLDecode(14608); ^URLDecode(56544);
^URLDecode(Reav); ^URLDecode(14459); ^URLDecode(52794);
^URLDecode(Carame); ^URLDecode(14239); ^URLDecode(25790);
^URLDecode(Evighet); ^URLDecode(14208); ^URLDecode(60991);
^URLDecode(Margohita); ^URLDecode(13971); ^URLDecode(45311);
^URLDecode(Reavan); ^URLDecode(12382); ^URLDecode(49154);
^URLDecode(Pandeamon); ^URLDecode(12249); ^URLDecode(74179);
^URLDecode(Ziejin); ^URLDecode(11350); ^URLDecode(25106);
^URLDecode(Dagge); ^URLDecode(11307); ^URLDecode(41045);
^URLDecode(St%C3%A8ff); ^URLDecode(10802); ^URLDecode(21271);
^URLDecode(Hatelox); ^URLDecode(10777); ^URLDecode(24674);
^URLDecode(Penney); ^URLDecode(10574); ^URLDecode(56929);
^URLDecode(Idanti); ^URLDecode(10454); ^URLDecode(103278);
^URLDecode(Buffeln); ^URLDecode(10441); ^URLDecode(39580);
^URLDecode(Stunlol); ^URLDecode(10295); ^URLDecode(73748);
^URLDecode(Ezequiel); ^URLDecode(10263); ^URLDecode(57744);
^URLDecode(T%C3%83%C2%B3rnado); ^URLDecode(10003); ^URLDecode(32986);
^URLDecode(M%C3%A1ndy); ^URLDecode(9868); ^URLDecode(60856);
^URLDecode(Tramlajin); ^URLDecode(9727); ^URLDecode(38242);
^URLDecode(Gigledon); ^URLDecode(9475); ^URLDecode(44743);
^URLDecode(Sikha); ^URLDecode(9453); ^URLDecode(32637);
^URLDecode(Wy%C3%A8th); ^URLDecode(9261); ^URLDecode(109472);
^URLDecode(Pocketpope); ^URLDecode(9240); ^URLDecode(46516);
^URLDecode(Dethux); ^URLDecode(8979); ^URLDecode(55582);
^URLDecode(Manouk); ^URLDecode(8924); ^URLDecode(40517);
^URLDecode(Kertielazer); ^URLDecode(8887); ^URLDecode(23927);
^URLDecode(Lolgurl); ^URLDecode(8575); ^URLDecode(33758);
^URLDecode(J%C3%A9zus); ^URLDecode(8561); ^URLDecode(40152);
^URLDecode(Drazzel); ^URLDecode(8441); ^URLDecode(18612);
^URLDecode(B%C3%A9t%C3%A1); ^URLDecode(8409); ^URLDecode(22665);
^URLDecode(Silentsniper); ^URLDecode(8403); ^URLDecode(33542);
^URLDecode(Fanatix); ^URLDecode(8401); ^URLDecode(44116);