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usynligemand : Are You Prepared? if going for BC, what server would tht be on?
usynligemand :
usynligemand : @mindshatter we found that the classic guild on ZT is a copycat, he streams also, if you check this video u see his charnames: etc. Zyplofo lol
usynligemand : slaying has been very good lately on Defias :D more slayers come join
Mindshatter : Are you guys on Zandalar Tribe now? I saw the guild on that server.
Mindshatter : I just made a character called Mindshot. Nobody online in the guild though!
Zylopfa : We are on Judgement, due to not being able to play after work on Gehennas. I hope you will still come and play with us!
Mindshatter : So are you still on Gehennas as I can't find you there?
Mindshatter : Excellent! A couple of months and I'll be right with you.
Zylopfa : Classic is insane fun!
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Naimen - Holy paladin
User: Naimen
Date: 9/28/2010 1:46 pm
Views: 3897
Rating: 0
Hey, I've heard a fair bit about your guild from a workmate (he plays
alliance and said you were back) and since the server I am on now
completely lacks world pvp and guilds that support it (apart from one
horde all-rogue guild), I'd like to apply to join your guild and move my
paladin here.

I love world pvp and I'm of the opinion that if you roll on a pvp
server, well, don't QQ if you get ganked. I've done a little pve, mainly
to get weapons, but pvp is what I play the game for.  I will admit right
now, however, that I'm not good at arena.

I prefer to play holy when in a party, although I have a set of basic pvp retri gear
too for when I am off on my own.  My armoury link is:

Naimen hasn't been my main so I'm a little rusty playing her (my gear is
mostly Deadly), but will get back up to speed over the coming days in
WG/BGs (lifetime kills stands at around 9k); I've neglected playing her
since being unable to find a guild to pvp with - too many here chase
loot and gearscores - I get bored of just doing BGs.

TVC is an rp/pvp server so I've rp'd a little and I do believe in
letting rp'ers get on with rp if they so wish (well, unless alliance and
flagged, then they are fair game).  I only play Horde on TVC, apart from
an alliance hunter I sometimes use to gank alliance sympathisers that
piss me off.

I'm from the UK and work full-time and have rl stuff happening around me
in the evenings so my playtime is limited to evenings and when I can get
time at the weekends.

If you're willing to give me a trial then I'll move her here.  If I'm
not up to scratch well, at least your server seems to have world pvp so
it's a step up from where I am now.
