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usynligemand : Are You Prepared? if going for BC, what server would tht be on?
usynligemand :
usynligemand : @mindshatter we found that the classic guild on ZT is a copycat, he streams also, if you check this video u see his charnames: etc. Zyplofo lol
usynligemand : slaying has been very good lately on Defias :D more slayers come join
Mindshatter : Are you guys on Zandalar Tribe now? I saw the guild on that server.
Mindshatter : I just made a character called Mindshot. Nobody online in the guild though!
Zylopfa : We are on Judgement, due to not being able to play after work on Gehennas. I hope you will still come and play with us!
Mindshatter : So are you still on Gehennas as I can't find you there?
Mindshatter : Excellent! A couple of months and I'll be right with you.
Zylopfa : Classic is insane fun!
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rogue recruitment
User: tudekiks
Date: 10/28/2010 4:12 am
Views: 4635
Rating: 0


im a guy @ 37yr old, tired of pve and in love with pvp, especially the Wpvp encounters.  i used to be horde on alonsus but due to very low horde population and even lesser Wpvp i moved both my disc-priest and belf rogue to the server of tarren mill, still searching for a decent pvp/wpvp guild as i really like the ganking, but it seems as if on TM its easyer to find a Rare elite then a ally to gank. when i heard some colleagues at work who plays ally on ravenholdt talking about how evil ZH is, i had to google for you guys and had to make an application, i like the ideas of this guild, and im sure its the right place for me.

i have played since vanilla but on a US server, my belf rogue is my 3rd rogue, played my other one to 25k kill achiev, but i dont like to kill the faction i like the most so i made the belf for the ganking of alliance, its not super geared but im working hard on getting there, 4k wkills now.

my rogue on armory:

its on TM but im going to do a transfer to ravenholdt


Re: rogue recruitment
User: tudekiks
Date: 10/29/2010 10:14 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

transfer complete, ganking have begun :D

had to namechange tho, so prevouis armory link replaced with the new one

looking forward to hear from you
