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usynligemand : Are You Prepared? if going for BC, what server would tht be on?
usynligemand :
usynligemand : @mindshatter we found that the classic guild on ZT is a copycat, he streams also, if you check this video u see his charnames: etc. Zyplofo lol
usynligemand : slaying has been very good lately on Defias :D more slayers come join
Mindshatter : Are you guys on Zandalar Tribe now? I saw the guild on that server.
Mindshatter : I just made a character called Mindshot. Nobody online in the guild though!
Zylopfa : We are on Judgement, due to not being able to play after work on Gehennas. I hope you will still come and play with us!
Mindshatter : So are you still on Gehennas as I can't find you there?
Mindshatter : Excellent! A couple of months and I'll be right with you.
Zylopfa : Classic is insane fun!
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(Too?) Early application
User: Queto
Date: 6/22/2010 2:54 pm
Views: 2793
Rating: 0

Hi all,


My name is Joris, I'm 21 years old and I live in Belgium. I have played WoW for about 1,5 year until I quit somewhere last summer. Now I decided to start all over again, on the Horde side, because I'm really sick of those Alliance wankers.


I used to play on Ravenholdt as a member of The Highland Banana Cult, I'm sure some of you will remember that name. You can check my Rogues armory here: . As you can see in my statistics, I have 2,8k world HK's, which is over one third of my total HK's. I hope this proves my determination to world PvP.


I am now leveling a Troll Priest (Wahine, level 13 at the moment) on Burning Blade with the sole purpose to join Zylos Hand. I have always loved world PvP and your guild just seems perfect for my needs.


I can see 3 options now:

- You tell me to come back at level 80, after I have farmed enough BG's to get some resilience gear. I would understand this, but would be disappointed if your guild selects its members on gear instead of determination.

- You decide you want me as a convinced rat killing world PvP'er and decide to keep me company while I'm leveling. I like this option the best!

- You tell me there's no chance I'll ever join. I think I would change faction on Ravenholdt then and stalk Parashade until he ragequits.


I hope to hear from you soon,




TL;DR version: Lowbie wants to join because he likes WPvP

Re: (Too?) Early application
User: tórnado
Date: 6/22/2010 7:41 pm
Views: 1
Rating: 0

hi thanks for your application zylos hand dont have any issues with your level or your gear wether your lv 13 or lv 80 as long as your heart is in wpvp then thats fine for us as you said you have a rogue would you realm change him at a later date ,also i have to ask have you got an allience char on this realm.



Officer zylos hand

Re: (Too?) Early application
User: Numlok
Date: 6/23/2010 5:49 pm
Views: 2
Rating: 0

I have an 80 Rogue and 80 DK on Ravenholdt, but wasn't thinking of transfering one of them over... I want a new PvP experience by leveling and playing with a ranged caster, and neither DK nor rogue offers me that kind of playstyle.

I've decided to level a warlock instead of the troll priest, priest wasn't leveling fast enough imo. My warlock is level 15 now, I hope to hit 80 in about 4 weeks. If you want to have a chat with me ingame, my warlocks name is Numlok.

